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A false modesty is the refinement of VANITY. It is a lie.

Jean De La Bruyère

And the name of that town is VANITY; and at the town
there is a fair kept, called VANITY Fair.


Cruelty was the vice of the ancient. VANITY is that of the
modern world; VANITY is the last disease.

George Moore

Life without VANITY is almost impossible.

Leo Tolstoy

Nothing so credulous as VANITY.

William Shakespeare

Oh, VANITY of Vanities!
How wayward the decrees of Fate are;
How very weak the very wise,
How very small the very great are!


Perfect peace can dwell only where all VANITY has


Pride that dines on VANITY sups on contempt.

Benjamin Franklin

Speaking much is a sign of VANITY, for he that is lavish in
words is a niggard indeed.

Sir W. Rayleigh

Talking much is a sign of VANITY, for the one who is
lavish with words is cheap in deeds.

Sir Walter Raleigh

The punishment for VANITY is flattery.

Wilhelm Raabe

The truest characters of ignorance are VANITY, pride and

Samuel Butler

VANITY plays lurid tricks with our memory.

Joseph Cornard

When dealing with people, let us remember, we are not
dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with
creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices
and motivated by pride and VANITY.

Dale Carnegie

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