Frases célebres, citas, proverbios, dichos y refranes en lengua castellana

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50 Most Popular Authors
Total searches from March 2010: 1606920

Pos. Author Total Searches
1 william shakespeare 18111
2 indira gandhi14281
3 ralph waldo emerson11770
4 oscar wilde 11351
5 johann wolfgang von goethe10903
6 samuel johnson10665
7 mahatma gandhi9894
8 george bernard shaw 9859
9 cicero8609
10 henry david thoreau8514
11 woody allen8287
12 seneca8215
13 aristotle8143
14 benjamin franklin8067
15 h. l. mencken7658
16 bertrand russell 7564
17 publilius syrus7491
18 confucius7444
19 mark twain7325
20 voltaire7128
21 benjamin disraeli7119
22 anonymous6329
23 victor hugo6283
24 oprah winfrey6255
25 euripides6211
26 albert einstein6184
27 plato6037
28 abraham lincoln5215
29 thomas jefferson4877
30 will rogers4818
31 proverb4765
32 homer, the odyssey4232
33 aesop4230
34 socrates4198
35 laurence j. peter3899
36 horace3881
37 groucho marx3868
38 fran lebowitz3858
39 franklin d. roosevelt3819
40 friedrich nietzsche3801
41 john f. kennedy 3792
42 martin luther king jr.3758
43 douglas adams3750
44 helen keller3719
45 eleanor roosevelt 3698
46 sophocles3619
47 winston churchill3596
48 ovid3523
49 james thurber3383
50 terence3366


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