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But there is a world preaching in SILENCE.

Rabindranath Tagore

He who does not understand your SILENCE will prabalely
not understand your words.

Elbert Hubbard

I have learned SILENCE from the talkative, tolerance from
the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet
strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

Khalil Gibran

I have often regretted my speech, never my SILENCE.

Publilius Syrus

In the attitude of SILENCE the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.

Mahatma Gandhi

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the SILENCE of our friends.

Martin Luther King Jr.

In the SILENCE of our hearts, God speaks, and from the
fullness of our hearts we speak.

Mother Teresa

It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for SILENCE.


It is better either to be silent or to say things of more
value than SILENCE.


Observe the prudent; they in SILENCE sit,
Display no learning, and affect no wit;
They hazard nothing, nothing they assume,
But know the useful art of acting dumb.

G. Crabbe : Tales The Patron

Secret guilt by SILENCE is betrayed.

John Dryden

Shakespeare! – to such names sounding, what succeeds
Fitly as SILENCE?

Robert Browning

SILENCE helps one to suppress one’s anger, as perhaps
nothing else does.

Mahatma Gandhi

SILENCE is a great help to a seeker after truth. The
secret of SILENCE is to be able to listen to the still small
voice which is always speaking within us.

Mahatma Gandhi

SILENCE is deep as Eternity,
Speech is shallow as Time.

Thomas Carlyle

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