Results with search term: 'peace'
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Those who love and keep PEACE, preserve the force of nature– physical, mental and spiritual within themselves. | Atharva Veda |
Thus PEACE found in total selfsurrender to God, is altogether pure and spotless, and destroyeth all the troubles mankind endureth. | Goswami Tulsidass |
To be feared is to fear: no one has been able to strike terror into others and at the same time enjoy PEACE of mind. | Seneca |
War must be for the sake of PEACE. | Aristotle |
We make war that we may live in PEACE. | Aristotle |
Where there is no PEACE, there is no limit of suffering. | Swami Dayanand |
Who so forsaketh all desires and goeth onwards free from yearnings, selfless and without egoism, he goes to PEACE. | Srimadbhagwad Gita |
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