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It was such a lovely day I THOUGHT it a pity to get up.

William Somerset Maugham

It was such a lovely day
I THOUGHT it was a pity to get up.

William Somerset Maugham

Language is not only the vehicle of THOUGHT, it is a great
and efficient instrument in thinking.

Sir H. Davy

Learning without THOUGHT is labor lost; THOUGHT without learning is perilous.


Life is a jest, and all things show it;
I THOUGHT so once, but now I know it.

John Gay

Literature is the THOUGHT of thinking souls.

Thomas Carlyle

Men fear THOUGHT as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... THOUGHT is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, THOUGHT is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Though

Bertrand Russell

Men of THOUGHT, be up and stirring
Night and day :
Sow and seed – withdraw the curtain –
Clear the way.

Charles Mackay

My guess is that well over 80 per cent of the human race
goes through life without having a single original THOUGHT.

H. L. Mencken

Our knowledge is the amassed THOUGHT and experience
of innumerable minds.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Passive acceptance of the teacher's wisdom is easy to most boys and girls. It involves no effort of independent THOUGHT, and seems rational because the teacher knows more than his pupils; it is moreover the way to win the favour of the teacher unless he i

Bertrand Russell

Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no
preparation is THOUGHT necessary.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Practice and THOUGHT might gradually forge many an art.


Real, constructive mental power lies in the creative THOUGHT that shapes your destiny, and your hour-by-hour mental conduct produces power for change in your life. Develop a train of THOUGHT on which to ride. The nobility of your life as well as your happ

Laurence J. Peter

Right action cannot come out of nothing, it must be
preceded by THOUGHT.

Jawaharlal Nehru

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