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It is impossible for a MAN to learn what he thinks he
already knows.


It is knowledge that influences and equalizes the social condition of MAN; that gives to all, however different their political position, passions which are in common, and enjoyments which are universal.

Benjamin Disraeli

It is not always the same thing to be a good MAN and a good citizen.


It is not death that a MAN should fear, but he should fear
never beginning to live.

Marcus Aurelius

It is not good that MAN should be alone.

Old Testament

It is not necessary that a MAN should earn his living by
the sweat of his brow, unless he sweats easier than I do.

Henry David Thoreau

It is not the MAN who has little, but he who desires more,
that is poor.


It is not the MAN who has too little, but the MAN who craves more, that is poor.


It is not the rich MAN you should properly call happy, but him who knows how to use with wisdom the blessings of the gods, to endure hard poverty, and who fears dishonor worse than death, and is not afraid to die for cherished friends or fatherland.

Horace, Odes

It is not unseemly for a MAN to die fighting in defense of his country.

Homer, The Iliad

It is regrettable that among the Rights of MAN, the right
of contradicting oneself has been forgotten.


It is said that a MAN without religion is like a horse
without a bridle.

S. Radhakrishnan

It is the dull MAN who is always sure, and the sure MAN who is always dull.

H. L. Mencken

It is the first rule in oratory that a MAN must appear such
as he would persuade others to be and that can be
accomplished only by the force of his life.

Jonathan Swift

It is the greatest miracle that knowing death to be
inevitable, MAN never thinks of it.


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