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Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of RELIGION. | William Blake |
Reason is not the path of RELIGION because reason creates division. | Rajneesh |
RELIGION can be defended by the purity of its adherents and their good deeds, never by quarrels with those of other faiths. | Mahatma Gandhi |
RELIGION has its origin in the depths of the soul, and it can be understood only by those who are prepared to take the plunge. | C. Dawson |
RELIGION has reduceds Spain to a guitar, Italy to a handorgan and Ireland to exile. | R.G. Ingersoll |
RELIGION is a man’s total reaction upon life. | William James |
RELIGION is a matter of speculation. | Bertrand Russell |
RELIGION is behaviour and not mere belief. | S. Radhakrishnan |
RELIGION is morality touched by emotions. | Matthew Arnold |
RELIGION is nothing else but love to God and man. | William Penn |
RELIGION should be the rule of life, not a casual incident in it. | Benjamin Disraeli |
RELIGION.... is the opium of the people. | Karl Marx |
RELIGIONs die when they are proved true, science is the record of dead RELIGIONs. | Oscar Wilde |
Say nothing of my RELIGION. It is known to God and myself alone. Its evidence before the world is to be sought in my life: if it has been honest and dutiful to society the RELIGION which has regulated it cannot be a bad one. | Thomas Jefferson |
Science without RELIGION is lame, RELIGION without science is blind. | Albert Einstein |