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Results with search term: 'mahatma gandhi'

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A ‘No’ uttered from deepest conviction is better and
greater than a ‘yes’ merely uttered to please, or what is
worse, to avoid trouble.

Mahatma Gandhi

A clean confession combined with a promise never to
commit the sin again, is the purest type of repentance.

Mahatma Gandhi

A life of sacrifice is the pinnacle of art and is full of
true joy.

Mahatma Gandhi

A man is but of product of his thought, What he thinks he becomes.

Mahatma Gandhi

A man is undoubtedly an artist and creator.

Mahatma Gandhi

A man must be judged by his actions, not by the motives
prompting them. God alone knows men’s hearts.

Mahatma Gandhi

A man of character will make himself worthy of position
he is given.

Mahatma Gandhi

A man of few words will not really be thoughtless in his
speech, he will measure every word.

Mahatma Gandhi

A nation’s culture resides in the heart and in the soul of
its people.

Mahatma Gandhi

A true lawyer is one who places truth and service in the
first place and the emoluments of the profession in the
next place only.

Mahatma Gandhi

After long study and experience I have come to these
conclusions; that –
all religions are true,
all religions have some error in them,
all religions are almost as dear to me as my own

Mahatma Gandhi

All your scholarship would be in vain it at the same time
you do not build your character and attain mastery over
your thoughts and actions.

Mahatma Gandhi

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.

Mahatma Gandhi

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Mahatma Gandhi

Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct

Mahatma Gandhi

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