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It is better, of cours, to know useless things than to know nothing. | Seneca |
It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted. | Seneca |
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is becau | Seneca |
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. | Seneca |
It is not the man who has little, but he who desires more, that is poor. | Seneca |
It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. | Seneca |
It is pleasant at times to play the madman. | Seneca |
It is quality rather than quantity that counts. | Seneca |
It is rash to condemn where you are ignorant. | Seneca |
It is the sign of a week mind to be unable to bear wealth. | Seneca |
It should be our care not so much to live a long life as a satisfactory one. | Seneca |
Let tears flow of their own accord: their flowing is not inconsistent with inward peace and harmony. | Seneca |
Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands. | Seneca |
Life without the courage for death is slavery. | Seneca |
Many things have fallen only to rise higher. | Seneca |