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Moderation is the secret of survival. | Proverb |
Nature never breaks her own laws. | Proverb |
Never neglect the opportunity of keeping your mouth shut. | Proverb |
No man is born wise. | Proverb |
Of the dead speak nothing but good. | Proverb |
Old bees yield no honey. | Proverb |
Politics is a business of profound promises. | Proverb |
Practice makes a man perfect. | Proverb |
Put off the evil hour as long as you can. | Proverb |
Quarrelling dogs come limping home. | Proverb |
Riches adorn the dwelling, values adorn the person. | Proverb |
Riches certainly make themselves wings, they fly away as an eagle toward heaven. | Proverb |
Selfpraise is no praise. | Proverb |
Simplicity is the badge of distinction. | Proverb |
Sin brings disgrace. | Proverb |