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Results with search term: 'johann wolfgang von goethe'

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Nature knows no pause in progress and development.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

No one knows what he is doing while he acts right; but
of what is wrong we are always conscious.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

One man’s word is no man’s word; we should quietly
hear both sides.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our senses don’t deceive us, our judgement does.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Riches amassed in haste will diminish, but those
collected by little and little will multiply.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Science and art belong to the whole world, and before
them, vanish the barriers of nationality.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Self – knowledge is best learned not by contemplation,
but actions. Strive to do your duty, and you will soon
discover of what stuff you are made.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So divinely is the world organized that every one of us, in our place and time, is in balance with everything else.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Talent is developed in retirement : character is formed
in the rush of the world.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the
stormy billows of the world.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That is the true season of love, when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will love in the same way after us.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The destiny of any nation at any given time, depends
on the opinions of its young men under five and twenty.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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